Winding Wir f Submersible Pump

產品名稱ProductsWinding Wire for Submersible Pump沉水馬達線圈用線
型號Model No.
尺寸SIZECopper Conductor Spec.:Dia.: 0.3 mm-2.3 mm銅導體規格:直徑:0.3mm-2.3mm
產品特色Products Features

(1) Safety and Strict QC management, Made in Taiwan.

(2) Excellent resistance to acids, chemicals and ozone.

(3) Generally conforming to:UL 44, IEC 60227, BS 6500, ISI 694.

(4) The package and length can be modified according to the requirements of customers.

(1) 嚴格控管品質質量與安全、台灣製造

(2) 良好的耐酸、耐化學品及耐臭氧性能。

(3) 一般符合 UL 44、IEC 60227、BS 6500、ISI 694之規範

(4) 包裝方式及尺寸長度可依客戶需求提供客製化服務

產品認證ApprovalsGenerally conforming to:UL 44, IEC 60227, BS 6500, ISI 694.一般符合 UL 44、IEC 60227、BS 6500、ISI 694之規範
認證字號File No.Use PE-NY compound to comply with EU RoHS requirements使用PE-NY化合物符合歐盟RoHS要求
產品技術規格Technical Specification

 ● Rated temperature:75 °C
 ● PH value:6.5-8.5
 ● Voltage Rating:450/750 V


 ● 額定溫度:75 °C
 ● PH 值:6.5-8.5
 ● 額定電壓:450/750 V


產品應用Applications ● Winding wire of coil for Submersible.
 ● The outstanding characteristic of PE wire is oil-resistant and water-resistant.

 ● 沉水泵線圈用線。

 ● PE線材具有耐油、耐水的特性。

